RE in Church Schools
In Church of England schools, where pupils and staff come from all faiths and belief systems, religious education (RE) is a highly valued academic subject that enables understanding of how religion and beliefs affect our lives.
At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity and pupils also learn about other faiths and world views

RE Training in the Diocese of Ely
Training for RE Curriculum Leaders in the Diocese is delivered throughout the year.

RE Statement of Entitlement
RE statement of entitlement from the Church of England.

Understanding Christianity
Understanding Christianity is a resource to support the teaching of Christianity in religious education in all schools.

SACRE and the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus
There is a legal requirement for the SACRE to develop a locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education. Find out more about SACRE and the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus