Our team is available to help and support you in any queries, concerns or areas of interest.
General Enquiries: education@elydiocese.org
Telephone: 01353 652724
Critical Information Sheet: Download printable version

Jon Young
Diocesan Director of Education (DDE)
07496 677 976

Jacqueline McCamphill
Head of Stewardship
07359 539 878

Annabelle Evans
Head of School Estates, Legal and Educational Trusts
07496 248 177

Lucy Brock
Education Team Administrator
01353 652 713

Jemma Coulson
RE and SIAMS Officer
07538 099 177

Revd Mandy Flaherty
Development Officer for Schools Mission
07944 091 812

Zoë Cutter
Executive Assistant to the DDE
01353 652 716

Mike Harrison
Diocesan School Leadership Support

Charlene Foster