Making Safeguarding Referrals - Please call the Safeguarding Duty Messaging Service: 01353 652747
- When making a referral by calling the Safeguarding Duty Message Service, please leave a message with your name, telephone number and a brief explanation of the reason for your call. The team member on duty will be alerted to your message and will call you back to discuss your safeguarding referral, offering professional advice and support and together with you agree a plan to manage the next steps.
- In a safeguarding emergency please contact the Police on 999
- Out of hours: To report a safeguarding concern when the Diocesan Office is closed, or when Diocesan Safeguarding Team members are unavailable, you can call the Safeguarding Duty Telephone Number: 01353 652747, which will forward your call to our partners at the 'thirtyone:eight' Helpline. Let them know that you are calling from the Diocese of Ely. (Please note that the Helpline is not available between Midnight and 7.00am.)
All other enquiries
Including DBS checks, training or recruitment issues should be directed to the appropriate member of the Safeguarding Team. Please do not use the Safeguarding Duty Messaging Service number for these.

Safeguarding Care and Support

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