Other forms of giving


  • Legacies are a lifeline for parishes. Each year around 5,000 people leave a gift in their will to a Church of England parish. In total, parishes receive around £50 million in legacy gifts each year – gifts to finance mission projects, maintain beautiful church buildings and grow faithful communities.
  • For many people, leaving a gift in their will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God. It is also a way to make a lasting difference to the future of their church and community.
  • Parish Resources have produced guidance and resources to help parishes encourage and receive legacy gifts here.

Free Will Writing and Discount Writing Schemes

Gift Aid

  • Gift Aid is a government policy that enables tax-efficient giving by individuals to charities in the UK. It is a valuable source of income for your parish, which can increase donations received under the scheme by 25%.
  • More information can be found on the Parish Resources website. Further guidance is on the HMRC website.
  • The Diocesan Finance team can also support you with Gift Aid. More information can be accessed by contacting the Diocesan Gift Aid Support Officer, Sarah Hewitt on sarah.hewitt@elydiocese.org or by phone on 01353 652707.

Giving for Life - Continuing the Journey

  • Giving for Life helps parishes review their approach to issues of stewardship and generosity, within a context of discipleship.
  • Following a survey of more than 1,100 parishes, it is clear that most parishes have made real progress in adopting proven good practice over the past few years.
  • For more information please visit the Parish Resources website here.
Page last updated: Wednesday 5th March 2025 9:19 PM
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