Supporting Giving in your Parish

Where to start

There is a lot of material available to support you and your church in raising funds for your parish, much of which can be found on the pages listed below.

Some of the more traditional forms of giving to a church are changing, and many people are giving differently now compared to how they and others once did. Now is a good time to check that your church has in place the right mechanisms to enable people to give in support of your parish’s mission and ministry.

You may find it helpful to follow this step-by-step guide.

Step 1

Step 2

  • Ensure you have in place the best possible mechanism to encourage regular planned giving. We strongly recommend the Parish Giving Scheme, which is used by a growing number of parishes across the Diocese.

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Remember, there is also a page where you can find more help and answers to some common frequently asked questions.

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