Meet the Team
Our Mission and Ministry staff team are further supported by a number of other advisors, both lay and ordained, who work throughout the Diocese to serve our common mission and ministry. Staff members have varying work patterns, some alongside Parish roles, and our team of Bishop's Advisors are predominantly volunteers. If you’re unsure who to contact for a query or request or anything else, please email This email address is checked daily and your email will be re-routed appropriately to the correct person or people.
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Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry
Revd Peter Leech

Peter leads the Mission and Ministry department, in work focusing on Leadership Development, Parish Innovation, Community Mission and Administrative Support. Peter is focused on further developing the work of the Diocesan team as an accessible resource, that serves the needs of the communities and places across the Diocese, and multiplies good practice.
PA to the Director of Mission and Ministry
Wendy Ivey

Wendy provides support for training coordination including administration, communication, event support, alongside database management, and curation of the important and very popular Sunday Morning Resources.
Diocesan Director of Ordinands
Revd David Newton

As our Diocesan Director of Ordinands (DDO), David supports the discernment process for ordinands and their training programmes. This includes co-operating with local theological training providers as well as developing the work according to the selection framework of the Church of England. Find out more about ordained ministry possibilities.
Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands
Revd David Sheppard
Support for Vocations is provided by the Revd David Sheppard as an Assistant DDO. Offering formational development from early vocational footsteps into more formal lay or ordained ministerial journeys. David’s substantive role is Priest-in-Charge of St Mary’s Buckden with the Offords. Find out more about vocations.
Development Officer: Ordained Ministry
Revd Steve Rothwell
Initial Ministerial Education (IME2) and our curate training scheme is led by the Revd Steve Rothwell, who liaises with and co-ordinates development with our team of training incumbents. Find out more about Initial Ministerial Education.
Operations Support Team Administrator: Ordained Ministry
Alison Baker
Working within the Vocations team, whose job it is to journey with people exploring God’s call on their lives, Alison offers administrative support to the Ordained Ministry team.
Diocesan Director of Lay Ministry
Revd Dr Julie Norris
Working closely alongside the DDO is our Diocesan Director of Lay Ministry (DDLM), the Revd Dr Julie Norris. Julie is leading the selection, training and development of Licensed (LLM) and Authorised (ALM) Lay Ministry, and thus working with local training providers and national initiatives. Find out more about vocations.
Assistant Diocesan Director of Lay Ministry
Niki Whitby
Support for Lay Ministry Vocations including selection, training and development of Licensed (LLM) and Authorised (ALM) Lay Ministry, Niki Whitby joins us as Assistant Director of Lay Ministry. Find out more about vocations.
Development Officer: Lay Ministry
Niamh Colbrook
Niamh's role as Development Officer for Lay Ministry combines the roles of LLM Training Officer and Development Officer for Lay Learning. Niamh works closely with the DDLM, the Warden of Readers and our training partners to ensure LLMs are fully supported through their training - both before and after licensing - and that the training we offer is of the highest quality. Find out more about Lay Ministry training.
Warden of LLMs (Warden of Readers)
Cathy Watts
Cathy Watts (LLM) is our Warden of LLMs (Warden of Readers), providing an important contributor to the selection, development, training and ministry of Licensed Lay Ministers in the Diocese. In doing so they also represent their important voice, and underpins the effective collaborative working relationships between LLMs and their incumbents and ministry teams. Find out more about Licensed Lay Ministry.
Operations Support Team Administrator: Lay Ministry
Sophie Smith
Sophie provides administrative support for training coordination including administration, communication, event support (pre-event and on-the-day), alongside database management. Sophie also supports the Diocesan Director of Lay Ministry (DDLM) with Lay Vocations administration.
Development Officer: Children and Families
Ruth New
Ruth New is our Development Officer for Children (0-11) and Families, working within the CYFS Team to create vision, resource, equip, train and encourage those working with children in the Diocese. Find more about working with Children and Families.
Development Officer: Youth and Families
Mike Kelly
Mike Kelly is our Development Officer for Youth (11-18) and Families within our CYFS Team, as well as leading our Changing Market Towns project. Mike provides advice to parishes and clergy, specialist ALM/LLM accreditation, youth workers network development, church group establishment, and training resource creation. Mike is also an important advocate for youth and an advisor on Mental Health First Aid as a qualified practitioner. Find out more about working with Youth and Families.
Development Officer: Schools Mission
Revd Mandy Flaherty
Mandy develops the links between our parishes and our schools and academies. As part of the important integration of Education with Mission and Ministry, the Revd Mandy Flaherty is our Development Officer for Schools Mission within our CYFS Team. Find out more about working with schools.
Programme Manager and Data Analyst
Martin Kenward
Heading up the Programme Team within the Mission and Ministry department, Martin brings programme management and data analysis skills to all aspects of our work. Alongside this, Martin continues his work on supporting giving and encouraging parishes to explore the Parish Giving Scheme.
Development Officer: Communications
Holli Bielby
Sitting within the Programme Team within the Mission and Ministry department, Holli integrates Communications into all aspects of our work - sharing good news stories from across the Diocese, promoting training opportunities, sharing good practice and signposting to resources. Find more News, Jobs and Events.
Changing Market Towns Operations Manager
Rebecca McRoberts
Sitting within the Programme Team, Rebecca is an Operations Manager for our Changing Market Towns project.
Changing Market Towns Operations Manager
David Wells
Sitting within the Programme Team, David is an Operations Manager for our Changing Market Towns project.
Operations Support Team Administrator: Programme Team
Theresa Chivers
Sitting within the Programme Team, Theresa provides administrative support for our Parish Giving Scheme, our CYFS Team and more.
Bishop's Advisors
Various Bishop's Advisors provide specialist support and advice on a range of issues to the Bishops and Diocesan Clergy. The work of these volunteers is central to the delivery of the work of the Mission and Ministry department.
The role of a Bishop’s Advisor is to:
- provide support, practical information, links and resources for clergy and laity
- speak into and help formulate diocesan processes, policies and procedures
- raise awareness and engagement across the Diocese
- be able to provide up to date information and advice for the Bishops within the diocese to equip them in their role
- be an advocate for the needs of specific groups of people and areas of ministry within the Diocese to ensure that, as a Diocese, we continue to be able to engage, grow and deepen
- represent the Diocese at relevant conferences and organisations as agreed
Bishop's Advisor for Climate
Revd Imogen Nay
As Bishop's Advisor for Climate, Imogen helps to integrate work which focuses on addressing Climate issues from a Christian faith perspective, supports and advocate for all such measures and plans that enable and promote the safeguarding of creation, and encourages active theological and spiritual reflection on issues around the environment. More about Imogen. More about Environment and Sustainability in the Diocese of Ely.
Bishop's Advisor for Disability
Sue Nelms
As Bishop’s Advisor for Disability, Sue works with the Mission and Ministry department and others to support and advocate for all such measures and plans that enable and promote full inclusion and participation for disabled people within the Church. Find out more about Sue and find resources and information about Disability and Church.
Bishop's Advisor for Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Community
Revd Sue Butler
As Bishop’s Advisor for the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Community, Sue is a point of contact for and signpost to resources supporting mission and ministry with the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community, providing the GRT community perspective as work develops and evolves. Sue's work will support parishes to become GRT friendly churches. More about Racial Justice.
Bishop's Advisor for Healing
Revd Alasdair Coles
As Bishop's Advisor for Healing, the Rev'd Alasdair Coles encourages our churches to be seen as places of healing and helps to facilitate this process. Alasdair, along with other members of the Ely Diocese Healing Advisory group, offers support to parishes as they explore the various aspects of the Christian healing ministry in their own unique situation. More about the Ministry of Healing.
Bishop's Advisor for Healthcare Chaplaincy
Revd Keith Morrison
Recognising the wholistic nature of the Christian faith whereby healing and wholeness incorporates the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of each individual within the diocese, the Bishop's Advisor for Healthcare Chaplaincy will work to raise awareness of the needs of those in the Health Care sector and seek opportunities for closer engagement, and encourage, as appropriate, active theological and spiritual reflection on health and wholeness. More about hospital and hospice chaplaincy.
Bishop's Advisor for Homelessness
Revd Kristian Hewett
As Bishop's Advisor for Homelessness and Chaplain of the Cambridge Churches Homeless Project, Kristian helps equip churches to respond creatively to issues of homelessness and to develop a ministry within the homeless and street-life community. More about Homelessness.
Bishop's Advisor for Inter-Faith
Revd Devin McLachlan
As Bishop's Advisor for Inter-faith, Devin encourages and facilitates interfaith connections between our church communities and local non-Christian faith groups, as well as celebrating the interfaith connections that are already in place across the diocese. More about Devin.
Bishop's Advisor for Racial Justice
Revd Sharon Byrne
As our Bishop’s Advisor for Racial Justice, Sharon guides and advises, especially in the significant wider agenda of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, ensuring that UKME/GMH matters are not considered in isolation. Sharon will work to develop ways to address the issue of increasing UKME/GMH Ordinands, Clergy and Lay Ministers as well UKME/GMH representation on our various governing bodies, ranging from Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) to Diocesan Boards and Committees. More about Racial Justice.
Bishop's Advisor for Rural Ministry
Rachel Blanchflower
As Bishop’s Advisor for Rural Ministry, Rachel supports the Bishop and senior staff in discerning a strategic response to the needs of the churches in rural contexts across the Diocese and the communities they serve. Rachel also provides an appropriate level of support for parishes who are seeking to respond to the challenges and opportunities present within a rural context. Rachel's work with the Mission and Ministry team and the Rural Mission and Ministry Group will help to facilitate new approaches to ministry. More about rural mission and ministry in the Diocese of Ely.
Bishop's Advisor for Self-Supporting Ordained Ministry
Revd Amanda O'Neill
As Bishop’s Advisor for Self-Supporting Ministry, Amanda supports the Bishop in ensuring the ongoing care and flourishing of those who are ordained and in active ministry, but who do not receive a stipend. Amanda also provides an appropriate level of support for SSMs (SSOMs) in different contexts and is able to signpost to other places where support can be accessed. More about SSOM.
Bishop's Advisor for Spirituality
Revd James Shakespeare
Recognising the importance of enabling the deepening of an individual’s commitment to God through word, worship and prayer and the role that it plays in supporting and facilitating parishes in this, the Bishop's Advisor for Spirituality will keep prayer and the deepening of relationship with God central in the life and work of the diocese.
James leads and coordinates the work of the Spirituality Advisory Group, cooperating with others in order for spiritual development to be a core element of ministry across the Diocese, and encourages, as appropriate, active theological and spiritual reflection on spirituality. More about Prayer and Spirituality.
Bishop's Advisor for Urban Estates
Revd Ruth Clay
As Bishop's Advisor for Urban Estates, Ruth will reflect upon the challenges of poverty and inequality encountered within the Diocese and inform discussion within Diocesan governance structures. Ruth will be a point of contact and signpost to resources for use in ministry, facilitate a strategy group of lay and ordained practitioners in order to map current and future required work, and work with others to provide opportunities for practitioners to share, reflect and learn together.
Providing an ‘Urban Estates perspective’ as work develops and evolves, Ruth will help provide opportunities with others from Estate Congregations to reflect on their mission and engage with the challenges and needs of their community, link with the National Estate Churches Network and disseminate information, and be the Diocesan link with the Church Urban Fund. More about Urban Estates.
Bishop's Advisor for Wellbeing
Revd Philip Howson
Playing a key role in enabling promotion and integration of wellbeing across the diocese, the Bishop’s Advisor for Wellbeing will help to integrate work which focusses on the wellbeing of clergy and lay leaders, be a point of contact and signpost to resources supporting wellbeing in ministry, and encourage active theological and spiritual reflection on wellbeing. More about Philip.
As part of the Mission and Ministry Team, Philip will provide the ‘wellbeing perspective’ as work develops and evolves, chair and coordinate the work of the Wellbeing Task Group and work with the Mission and Ministry team and the Wellbeing Task Group to facilitate a strategic, coordinated and sustainable approach to wellbeing in ministry. More about Clergy wellbeing.
Bishop's Advisor for Women's Ministry
Revd Lynda Davies
Our Bishop’s Advisor for Women's Ministry represents the needs and circumstances of ordained women as a member of the Bishop's Senior Staff team. Her role as Advisor is to promote the full inclusion of women with the following three priorities:
- Encouraging young vocations (under 32 years)
- Supporting well-being and aspiration for women in ministry at every level
- Monitoring the Diocese of Ely for gender balance, transparency, good practice, policies, habits and ethos
Bishop's Advisor for World Mission
Revd Canon Fiona Brampton
As part of the Anglican Communion, Ely Diocese values the relationship it has with churches and organisations around the world. It recognises the call to work beyond the diocesan boundaries in seeking to join with others to challenge global injustice and share the Good News of the Gospel. More about World Links.
Bishop's Advisor on Ecumenical Matters
Revd Sarah Gower
The Anglican Church encourages relationships between local churches of different traditions. In most places, a great deal of goodwill may already exist between congregations - Methodist, Roman Catholics, Baptists - along with varying levels of informal contact. As our Bishop's Advisor on Ecumenical Matters, Sarah advises on how churches can form strong and positive relations, to serve their communities, share their mission, resources, worship buildings and ministry. More about Ecumenical working.
Bishop's Advisor for New Housing
Revd Beth Cope
Ely Diocese is committed to providing a Christian presence in every community and seeks to respond positively and appropriately to new housing developments (of all sizes). As our Bishop’s Advisor for New Housing, Beth supports the Bishops and senior staff in discerning a strategic response to new housing developments across the Diocese, provide an appropriate level of support for parishes who are seeking to respond to the challenges of new housing, work to facilitate the New Housing Strategy Group and provide the ‘New Housing perspective’ as work develops and evolves. More on new housing in Ely Diocese.
Bishop's Officer for Resilience in Conflict
Revd Ruth Adams
As Bishop's Officer for Resilience in Conflict, Ruth provides training in Resilience in Conflict for Clergy. More wellbeing contacts for clergy .
Confidential Clergy Counselling Advisor
Eleanor Richards
Confidential counselling for clergy can be accessed by contacting the Bishop's Advisor for Clergy Counselling. More information about Pastoral Care and Counselling for Clergy.
Coordinator for Spiritual Direction
Revd Jane Dicker
Spiritual direction is the ministry of listening, reflecting and encouraging, and is always confidential. The Diocese can help you find the right person to accompany you not just when there are particular challenges in your ministry, but in the day- to-day journey of prayer and service. More about spiritual direction.
Retired Clergy Officer
Revd Canon Gill Jessop
Retired clergy remain a huge asset in the Diocese of Ely, being present in parishes preaching, leading, taking special services, serving and supporting in all kinds of ways. Information for Retired Clergy.