Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee

Each Diocese in the Church of England is required to establish a Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC).

The DMPC's functions include:

  • reviewing arrangements for pastoral supervision and care in the Diocese;
  • preparing strategies or proposals for making better provision for the cure of souls, which may include reorganisation, and making recommendations to the Bishop; and
  • carrying out responsibilities in relation to the future of churches no longer required for public worship.

In the Diocese of Ely, the functions of the DMPC are exercised by Bishops' Council, which delegated the responsibility for pastoral planning, reorganisation and mission activities in each archdeaconry to the Archdeaconry of Cambridge Mission and Pastoral Committee (CADMPC) and the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon and Wisbech Mission and Pastoral Committee (HWADMPC) respectively.

Each of the Archdeaconry Mission and Pastoral Committees (ADMPC) meets three times a year and reports back its work to Bishop's Council. A separate Churches Uses Committee (CUC) considers the future of churches no longer required for public worship, and also meets three times a year. Minutes of these meetings are circulated to Bishop's Council as the DMPC.

Further Information

  • A copy of the DMPC constitution can be found here, and the CUC here.
  • The ADMPC constitutions can be found on this page 
  • Further information about the operation of the ADMPCs can be viewed here.
Page last updated: Thursday 6th March 2025 10:59 AM
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