I am new to the Christian faith

If you believe and trust in Jesus Christ, you are a Christian

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with around two billion followers.

If you believe and trust in Jesus Christ, you are a Christian. That belief is often described as a journey, because faith, doubt and levels of commitment can change. It can grow, strengthen and affect day to day living and behaviour, or, it can weaken and even disappear. It is a journey that never begins for some people, but can be utterly life-changing for others.

Wherever you are this moment, your journey can continue

The Diocese of Ely strategy, Ely 2025: People Fully Alive asserts that to have begun the amazing journey of faith is to be fully alive. It helps us to make the best of this life through following Jesus’ teachings, loving God and loving other people. It is a lifetime of learning and surprises, working towards a future filled with hope and purpose for ourselves and for others.

Exploring your Journey further

If you are very new to the Christian faith and would like to know more, there are many ways you can do that.

Some further reading

You might want to start by reading a little bit more about Christianity, the pages linked below provide some information on some of the areas you might have questions about.

Talk to others

People in your local church can talk to you about their faith. Some may be able to tell you how it has changed their lives. Contact your vicar and ask if there is a way you can talk to someone there. A good place to start is to find your local church on A church near you.

Explore your faith through a course

Many churches in the Diocese of Ely offer courses to introduce people to the Christian faith, providing space to ask questions. One example is Alpha. Ask at your local church what they offer.

The Diocese of Ely also offers a variety of courses to help you explore your faith, some are highlighted in this section of the website ranging from discipleship courses to exploring your vocation. Information on other courses is available on our Training and Learning pages.

What do Christians believe?

First published on: 22nd April 2019

Christianity asserts that the Universe was made by a loving God who cares passionately about all aspects of creation, especially humanity. We believe we were created to be God's friends and associates in creation. 

Is Christianity true?

First published on: 22nd April 2019

For 2000 years, Christianity has been challenged. Millions continue to trust and believe, as told through the Gospels (the first books in the New Testament part of the Bible). Here is some suggested reading to help you decide what you think.

Prayer and growing in Prayer

First published on: 31st July 2019

If God is seeking to become part of our story and for us to be part of His story, then we need to work together, share our lives. How do we do this? How can we build a relationship with the Author of all the great stories, all the personal stories? This is what 'prayer' is really about.

What is the Church?

First published on: 31st July 2019

The word 'Church' is derived from 'ecclesia', the Greek word meaning 'those called out'. It was used to refer to an assembly of people called out from everyday life for a particular purpose. The early followers of Christ chose this word to describe themselves and their gatherings, as they understood.

God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit

First published on: 23rd April 2019

Who is God? Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? This page provides a short explanation of the Trinity - God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

More about God

First published on: 23rd April 2019

Who God says He is and how we can try to know Him better. To understand our awareness and descriptions of God we must understand the key verse of the Bible - Exodus 3:14.

What is the Bible?

First published on: 31st July 2019

The Bible is God's Story told through the stories of people who found God was part of their story. At its heart are the amazing stories where people met God directly when He shows Himself as a Human Being (Jesus) and revealed all the amazing potential humanity has. (We call those stories the Gospels.)

More about Jesus

First published on: 23rd April 2019

A summary of Jesus' life in a poem. If you'd like to know more about Jesus' life, have a read of one of the Gospels (the first four books in the New testament part of the Bible) to see what Jesus taught and did, especially about his death and resurrection. Mark, the shortest book, can be read in about 45 minutes.

What is faith and belief?

First published on: 22nd April 2019

Faith can be defined as our particular understanding of how the Universe really works. This page provides a brief description of what faith is and how beliefs impact on the way we live.

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