God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Who is God?

First of all, God is beyond our complete understanding. If we could understand God, it wouldn't be God.

The Bible shows that God gets involved in creation and in our lives, and this is how we understand more about Him. God is both male and female, with neither having greater prominence.

'Father God' reflects the historic circumstances in which God was experienced as Source, Sustainer, Authority and Power. 

'Mother God' reflects those times when God was experienced as Gentle, Nurturing and Intimate.

Who is Jesus?

Humanity has lost its way through the mistakes and messes we continue to make. Literature, whilst longing for ‘utopia’, does not offer hope that humans will achieve it.

Help is needed. Jesus came to give us that help by showing and teaching us how to live, and by being willing to be the way back to God. In the Biblical stories of Jesus’ death, the Temple Curtain was a symbol of the separation of God from people due to their failings. When Jesus died, the Curtain tore down the middle, symbolising that Jesus had taken away, or ripped up that separation. 

Christians are those who trust this is the truth for their hopes of today and tomorrow.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

If humanity needs help, an example and 'a way' are not sufficient without assistance to follow them. God then comes to each of us to help us live. 

The Bible describes how God inspires change within ourselves through the action of the 'Holy Spirit', like wind and fire bring changes to the land without human help. 

Christians are those who ask and allow God to work in their lives to make them better through the Holy Spirit.

First published on: 23rd April 2019
Page last updated: Friday 12th June 2020 1:35 PM
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