
Clergy wellbeing encompasses all that promotes the health and wholeness of the clergy of the Diocese

One of the levers of change in the Diocese of Ely's strategy is to develop healthy churches and leaders. It includes the aim to refresh leadership, so that both clergy and laity feel energised, empowered and liberated to grow in their ministry. The flourishing of the clergy is key to the flourishing of the church.

Clergy wellbeing is of concern for the whole church and the responsibility for the promotion of wellbeing lies with:

  • the diocese, in offering personal support and development of skills necessary for the changing role of those who are ordained and in defining manageable roles for clergy
  • the clergy, as they take responsibility for their own wellbeing and are mindful of the wellbeing of their colleagues
  • congregations, as they are encouraged to recognise their impact on the wellbeing of their clergy.

Diocesan provision

Diocesan provision includes:

  • Wellbeing Contacts for Clergy
  • the development of the Ministry Development Review process to include a particular focus on your wellbeing
  • the availability of coaching
  • training in Resilience in Conflict
  • an introduction to Mindfulness
  • a series on ' How to Survive and Thrive as a Minister'
  • the provision and training of mentors for new incumbents.

Wellbeing Contacts for Clergy

A range of wellbeing contacts to support Clergy wellbeing and mental health, including how to access confidential counselling.

Resources for Spiritual Refreshment

Guidance and resources for Prayer and Spiritual Direction, including information on the Spirituality Development Group, Spiritual Direction, Quiet Gardens and Retreat Centres.

Tips for your own self-care

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenge of maintaining clergy wellbeing. Each individual has their own personality, their own particular context and their own set of needs. These needs change as life and work circumstances alter. However, for each of us there are areas of life that help or hinder our sense of wellbeing. Find tips for your own self care on this page.

Wellbeing Contacts for Clergy

First published on: 17th August 2022

This page offers clergy contact points to support their wellbeing and mental health, includinghow to access confidential counselling.


Navigating times of transition well

First published on: 9th September 2024

The Mission and Ministry department have produced a booklet entitled 'Navigating times of transition well within the Diocese of Ely'.


Tips for your own self-care

First published on: 16th April 2019

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenge of maintaining clergy wellbeing. Each individual has their own personality, their own particular context and their own set of needs. These needs change as life and work circumstances alter. However, for each of us there are areas of life that help or hinder our sense of wellbeing.

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