Churchyard Conservation Awards

Cambridgeshire Wildlife Trust

The Cambridgeshire Wildlife Trust offer a Churchyard Conservation Award Scheme, which is supported by the Diocese.

Once registered, your church works towards the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award and you will be offered at least one free advisory visit.

The scoring guide for the Award is clear, which helps provide a focus for planning, e.g.  the production of a mowing plan of the churchyard, to include a spring wildflowers area, will score 2 points. 

Registration for an Award will also help churches which are working towards an Eco Church Award.

Access application forms and further information on wild churchyards from

Norfolk Wildlife Trust 

The Norfolk Wildlife Trust offers a Churchyard Conservation Scheme, supported by the Diocese, which provides free plant surveys and management advice to churches, plus an advice pack and information leaflets on specific topics, such as Birds and Hedgerows.

This material can be downloaded from their website free of charge:

Page last updated: Thursday 13th March 2025 9:46 AM
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