Return of Parish Finance

Return of Parish Finance forms are due annually. The forms should be completed after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) which takes place each year.

The Return of Parish Finance submission options can be found below.

Parish codes

  • Parish codes are Archbishop's Council codes and are not allocated by the Diocese. To find your parish code, visit the Structure pages on this website and download the spreadsheet which will allow you to find your code.
  • Alternatively, increasingly the A Church Near You (ACNY) website is showing more of this sort of information about parishes and so it is always worth seeing what they hold, particulalrly in the 'more info' tab. The parish code is the 6-digit code starting '(1)'. On 'A Church Near You' the 'Church code' is the number that starts with a six (6).

Return of Parish Finance Dashboards

  • The Research and Statistics team in London that compile the information parishes provide also provide this information in graphical dashboards (which is a single sided PDF with graphs showing the data in an easy to view way, presented as trend lines/charts over the past several years).
  • Whomever within your parish supplies this data via the portal (linked above), will have access to this information so please contact the parish here to review your local Return of Parish Finance Dashboards.
  • Jackie Williamson is also able to supply your Return of Parish Finance Dashboard upon email request. Please email Jackie on

Other useful websites

Parish Resources

  • Guidance notes
  • Links to forms
  • Template of letter for determination re exceptional income

Charity Commission

  • Full guidance on all topics relating to PCCs and charities.
  • Forms
  • Contact numbers
Page last updated: Wednesday 5th March 2025 8:20 PM
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