Continuing Ministerial Development

All in ministry are expected to take part in life-long learning and development. The Diocese of Ely contributes to this process in the following ways:

  • Reflective Practice Training
  • Regional training events. The Diocese of Ely joins with the other dioceses of the Eastern Region to provide a series of short residential courses for clergy such as:
    • incumbency skills
    • new post conference change management
    • preparation for retirement
    • Rural Deans Theological Refreshment for Ministry.
  • Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) Funding: There is a grant available of up to £240, per year, on application for stipendiary clergy. Grants may be available for other Licensed Ordained Ministry.

Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) Funding Application Form

Extra Training

  • Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs): can also benefit from extra training. Some events for LLMs in training are offered to a wide audience and other training comes from the Readers' Board and from outside bodies such as the College of Preachers. Invitations to these are usually sent through the Warden of Readers.
  • Review of ministry: to help discern development needs of ministers.
Page last updated: Thursday 6th June 2024 11:00 AM
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