Information on Clergy policies and procedures
- The Church of England website holds a wealth of information for Clergy and Office Holders on the National Clergy HR pages - please click here to access these materials.
- For any information specific to the Diocese of Ely, please contact the Mission and Ministry team.
Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of Clergy
- Please click here to download the Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of Clergy.
Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations 2009
- Click here to view the Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations 2009
Diocesan Policies and Guidance
- Diocesan Whistleblowing Policy
- Ecclesiastical Law 2009
- Clergy Sickness Guide - updated March 2022
- FAQs on the guidance on supporting clergy and ordinands who become parents
Ely Diocese Registry
- The Diocesan Registry (Diocesan Registrar) website is designed primarily to be a source of information for all those working in the parishes within the Diocese of Ely as well as being a portal enabling parishes to monitor the progress of their Petitions for Faculties online.
- Visit
- It also includes information and news on matters such as marriage regulations and registrations, parochial fees, the role(s) of Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councils.
Church Buildings and Churchyards
- Guidance is available on the Church Buildings section of the website here.
Maternity and Paternity Leave in Curacy
- Where the qualifying criteria for payment of statutory maternity pay are not met, (i.e. to have been employed by the Diocese for at least 26 weeks), the Diocese will pay an honorarium; the amount dependent upon the number of weeks without salary to a maximum of 13 weeks in the first instance.
- Housing will be available and supported as per normal curacy arrangements
- Where the qualifying criteria for paid paternity leave are not met the Diocese will grant two weeks paid leave.
Holy Communion by Extension Policy
Communion by Extension is neither an alternative to, nor a substitute for, Holy Communion; it is a public act of worship that enables a second worshipping community to participate in Holy Communion ‘by extension’ from the principal celebration, in particular and limited circumstances, by taking consecrated elements to this second worshipping community.
This paper sets out the particular circumstances in which Communion by Extension may be used, and offers guidance to help incumbents and churchwardens determine how and when to seek the Diocesan or Suffragan Bishop’s permission.
This paper replaces all previous provisions and regulations concerning Communion by Extension in the Diocese of Ely, which are hereby retracted.