Introducing the Social Action section

Caring for creation, Social Action and the Built and Natural Environment are a core part of the Church's mission, along with resources to support environmental projects.

The Diocese of Ely believes that it is imperative for churches to engage with issues of social justice and aim to respond to current needs within our culture and society,

Below you will find information to enable and train christians to engage with these matters with a sense of priority, concern, prayerfulness and practical application to see things change.

Funding for Social Aid in the Diocese

First published on: 16th July 2019

There are two trust funds associated with the Diocese of Ely that make small grants towards charitable activities aimed at the relief of social deprivation. Here you will find information for funding assistance from either the Council for Social Aid or the Cambridge Female Welfare Fund.

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The Clewer Initiative

First published on: 6th June 2022

The Clewer Initiative is enabling Church of England dioceses and wider Church networks to develop strategies to detect modern slavery in their communities and help provide victim support and care. This page helps direct you to more information on the work of The Clewer Initiative and how your community can help.


First published on: 16th July 2019

Sadly, there are many people who through a variety of reasons find themselves unable to provide food for themselves and their families. This page contains Information on Foodbanks in the Diocese of Ely.

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