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What three things? - February 2025

What three things can you do in February to take your first steps (or more!) as a church on your eco journey?

  1. Love Your Yew Week (8-14 February) - Conservation charity Caring for God's Acre and the Ancient Yew Group are running a Love Your Yew week in February to raise awareness for caring for these special trees. This year's focus is on ivy removal to help secure the future of yew trees. Please note that you must seek permission from vicars, churchwardens and other relevant authorities before undertaking any work in your churchyard or burial ground. 
  2. Get Water Fit – we’re all using more water than ever before, on average 143 litres each per day. Try Cambridge Water’s Get Water Fit to get advice and order free water-saving products.
  3. Sustainable Valentines flowers: This year encourage your circle of influence to choose green alternatives to red roses. Find out more about sustainable Valentine’s flowers for flower gifts and sustainable church flowers.
First published on: 31st January 2025
Page last updated: Friday 31st January 2025 1:23 PM
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