Biodiversity in Churchyards

Caring for creation (or God’s Earth?) in the churchyard

What happens next is up to all of us (David Attenborough)

The need to provide a home for plants and animals has never been greater because God’s creation is under threat.

There are many people within the Church, and many more without, who have a new attitude towards the fragility of life on earth. They believe that churchyards can set an example of how to live in greater harmony with all creation by becoming havens for wildlife, in addition to being places of burial.

This can be achieved quite simply by changes to current management plans and the organisations below contain all the information, advice and inspiration you require to make the necessary adjustments.

Caring for God’s Acre

The charity Caring for God's Acre produces an excellent Action Pack which inspires and contains a wealth of easily accessible information covering the care of burial grounds. 

The pack can be purchased or downloaded free of charge

Church of England

The Church of England website contains a short film which offers inspiration and encouragement to those wishing to promote biodiversity in their churchyards and includes several case studies.

In addition, there are notes on planning, surveys and on specific flora and fauna. 

Find out more about Biodiversity in churchyards from the Church of England.

Page last updated: Thursday 13th March 2025 9:45 AM
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