Worship and Discipleship: Caring for Creation


A Rocha Worship and Teaching

Climate Sunday

  • Consider making a Sunday in Creationtide a special ‘Climate Sunday’.

A time for Creation

Season of Creation

  • Ecumenical Resources for the Season of Creation which runs from 1 Sept – 4 Oct each year. The theme of these resources changes each year.

Sustaining God's Creation

Helping individuals take action…

Creation Care

  • The Creation Care wesite provides a tool for you to assess your household and lifestyle from an eco perspective. You can receive a bronze, silver or gold award. It's like the A Rocha Eco Church award but for households. It's a comprehensive way of engaging with issues of sustainability, helping us think about everything from gardens, to travel, to food, and to money.

A Rocha Wild Christian

  • Join A Rocha’s Wild Christian scheme and receive regular thoughts on how to protect, enjoy and nurture nature.

The Cambridge Charter

  • No matter which part of the diocese you are in, the Cambridge Climate Change Charter gives everyone the opportunity to find out more about their carbon emissions and discover how to reduce them, and provides a platform to make a pledge to take positive action.

Green Christian Recommendations

Page last updated: Thursday 13th March 2025 9:31 AM
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