Easter & Holy Week Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based on Easter and Holy week

Below are links to a number of resources to help you with your ministry. Many of the resources are not produced or endorsed by the Diocese. Please ensure that the resource is right for both your tradition and context before using. Do contact childrenandfamilies@elydiocese.org if you have any questions or need further help or support. Items are free to access unless stated.

General Easter Resources

Sharing the Easter Story: Websites

Sharing the Easter Story: Videos

Prayer Spaces

Activity Days & Trails

Crafts & Activities

Under 5s

Palm Sunday Resources

Maundy Thursday Resources

Good Friday Resources

Escape Rooms

Resources for Schools Work and Schools Mission

  • CSI: Easter from Schools ministry - The Diocese of Southwark. An engaging, hands-on workshop designed to enable pupils in key stage 2 to discover the beliefs behind the Christian festival. Through investigation, scientific experimentation, codebreaking, fingerprinting and evidence packs, pupils learn about the events of Good Friday and discover why the garden tomb was empty on Easter Sunday morning. The resource includes a planning book, pupil booklet and video clips to provide all the information, ideas and resources needed for you to run, lead and host the project in your church, worship space or local school. For further information and support with CSI Easter please contact ruth.new@elydiocese.org.
  • Easter Cracked from Scripture Union is a creative 90-minute presentation for years 5 and 6 to help them understand the Easter Story.
  • Jumping Fish Publications - An interactive way to explore the Easter story with children. Six stations that cover key moment in the Waster narrative. Jumping Fish: Experience Easter (£17.50) and Experience Easter Outside (£17.50).
  • Prayer Spaces in Schools has a number of resources for prayer and reflection stations that are suitable for church activities and use in schools. They are free to access but you need to register on the site.
  • BRF Resources free downloadable resources for primary RE, collective worship as well as church settings.
Page last updated: Friday 28th February 2025 10:27 AM
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