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Resources for Mission and Ministry with children

A variety of resources for use in your Mission and Ministry with children.

Below are links to a number of resources to help you with your ministry. Many of the resources are not produced or endorsed by the Diocese.  Please ensure that the resource is right for both your tradition and context before using. Do contact if you have any questions or need further help or support. 

Easter & Holy Week Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based on Easter and Holy week.

Easter Resources Growing Younger.png

Shrove Tuesday & Lent Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based on Shrove Tuesday and Lent.

shrove tuesday lent.png

Candlemas Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based on Candlemas.

Candlemas Resources.png

Remembrance Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based on Remembrance.

Remembrance Resources.png

Advent, Christmas and Epiphany Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based on Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.

Resources for advent & christmas.png

Light Party and Halloween Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based around Light Parties and Halloween.

growing younger light party halloween.png

Creationtide Resources

Resources for Mission and Ministry with children based on the Season of Creation.


Newsletter Archive

An archive of Seasonal newsletters, full of useful ideas and resources for faith festivals for churches, schools and households.

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