Intergenerational Church at Haslingfield

Sarah Rittman LLM, undertook a Growing Faith project on Intergenerational Church at Haslingfield

Sarah is one of the facilitators of our Intergenerational Forum.

Growing Faith research projects aim to further our understanding of growing faith in the intersections between household, schools and churches.

You can read Sarah's full research,  which asked the question, 'What is the impact of a hybrid intergenerational model of church, including Forest Church, on the belonging and faith development of children?'.

Project summary: ‘Being church all together most of the time’: Faith and Belonging among Children in Hybrid Intergenerational Church in Haslingfield.

Project reportFaith-and-belonging-report-s-rittman.pdf 

The Growing Faith Foundation produced a digest of her research: 2024 Research Digest - Chapter 2, which aims to make the findings easier to explore and understand, distilling the key take-away points and recommendations into one document, to be used as a tool for informing and supporting work in your context.

Sarah was also interviewed for the Growing Faith podcast about her research:


Page last updated: Thursday 6th February 2025 2:56 PM
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