Prayer Day for the Changing Market Towns Project

Date :
6th January 2022

At the start of the season of Epiphany, all are invited to pray for the church and its mission within the market towns of the Diocese of Ely and their surrounding areas.

All are invited to participate, in whichever way most appropriate to their context: 

  • by joining a Zoom meeting (click here for sign-in link) at midday on Thursday, 6th January
  • by incorporating the prayers into existent services or prayer groups
  • by organising a prayer meeting
  • by distribution to individuals within parishes

The suggested prayers and prayer pointers may be used, but any others would be just as welcome. God hears all prayers and answers them, however and wherever they are offered.

Here are some examples of prayers that might be used (without the need for permission):

Changing Market Towns Prayer

God of hope,

we pray for our market towns, and the churches that serve them.

We thank you for your faithful care, that has made us who we are

and we trust in you for our future.

Unite us, give us heart and hope and build up your Kingdom

in the places we love.

We pray in the name of the carpenter of Nazareth,

Jesus Christ, our Lord.



Epiphany Prayer

Challenging God,

As we enter the season of Epiphany,

we hear once again the stories of Magi and shepherds, maiden and king:-

people whose lives were transformed forever by the birth of a child.

We reflect on what these stories mean for us today,

in our families, our parishes, our deaneries and beyond.


We thank you the gift of gold, the riches with which you have blessed us,

especially those additional funds received 

through the Changing Market Towns project.

We ask that you grant wisdom and clarity 

to those who lead the project and manage the finances:

Archdeacon Hugh and the Project Board;

and Jon, Adam, Martin and Janet, the central team.

Help us to play our part in ensuring that these resources are used wisely, 

And give us a sense of ownership for what is tried out and achieved in your name.


We thank you for the gift of frankincense,

a fragrance that reminds us of the priestly role of our churches, 

bringing people to faith and assisting them on their journey 

into a deeper relationship with you.

May we cherish those who lead and support us:

our priests, mission workers, [operations managers] and all those who volunteer, 

giving valuable time in your service.

[please name those known to you in your particular context]


We thank you for the gift of myrrh, 

a reminder of grief and pain,

the counter-balances to the joy and fulfilment of our faith.

Help us to appreciate the treasures of our past.

but to accept that some things must change, be let go.

Grant us the grace to make way for new things:-

New ways of working across our deaneries and parishes, 

new forms of worship, 

and new ways of being church.

[please name those initiatives which are particular to your context]


On this Epiphany day,

Help us to see the Body of Christ made manifest:-

in the way relate to each other;

in the way we serve our communities; and

in the way we live our common life together.

And may these reflections bring us closer to you.

In Jesus' name we pray.



Individual prayer pointers

  • Please pray, by name, for those tasked with leadership and administration of the market town and surrounding parishes,
    at deanery and diocesan level:

that they may lead to serve with vision, wisdom and clarity.

  • Please pray, by name, for those employed through the Market Towns initiative:

May they be blessed in all they do, and may God work through the relationships they make and the services they provide.

  • Please pray for those who are served by the Church, especially any you know by name:

that they may see and know the love of Christ, made manifest in the care and concern expressed by others in his name.

  • Please pray for the all people in the market towns and surrounding areas, especially those known to you in special need of God's love at this time. May they grow in faith, knowing with confidence that God is for them.


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