Bishops’ Study Day – ‘Holiness and Desire’

Date and Time :
30th June 2020 - 11:00am - 12:00pm

Bishops’ Study Day, Jessica Martin – ‘Holiness and Desire’

What if the problem with desire is not that we want what we can't have, but that we don't want it enough? What if it's in the gap between wanting and having that desire does the work which keeps us longing, yearning, hoping, burning, hungering, thirsting, calling, praying?

A world that promises satisfaction is one that sells us imitations of our desires, and tempts us to settle for them. This is the world in which we find ourselves, and Holiness and Desire is a wise and profound exploration of it, using the tools of Christian theology but also those of culture criticism, literary analysis and memoir. Here, the church's internal debates about sexuality are only one symptom of a larger unease over our whole relationship with desire.

Canon Jessica Martin will be sharing 3 short (15 mins) video presentations on the Ely Cathedral Youtube Channel, publicly accessible just through an ordinary search. These will be available from Thursday 25th June there will then be a discussion of the material with questions on zoom at 11am -12 midday on the 30th June. Time: Jun 30, 2020 11:00 – 11:45

Jessica writes: ‘Handouts for the videos and links to the videos themselves will be posted on the Ely Cathedral website at be, on Thursday 25th June.  Topics and resources for further discussion are on the handouts but also posted as the final screenshots of the 3 videos, entitled 1. Scripture, 2. Desire, 3. Holiness.  We hope to explore at least some of these topics and resources at the Zoom meeting, but they are also for your independent interest.’

This page is now live with the first two videos already available and the 3rd following later today use the link below to access them;

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