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Single Friendly Church Network is a Christian charity helping churches to welcome and value single people at every stage of life. We are research-based and provide free resources and training for churches and leaders. Our quarterly Network Zoom is an informal online meeting for churches and individuals involved in single friendly ministry in their church. This is an opportunity for churches to share stories and best practice, and for anyone to bring questions or discussion topics, whatever your stage on the journey. The next one is on Tuesday 4th February at 11.00 and is on the theme of Mother’s Day. Please sign up to this free training here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/singlefriendlychurch/1466129 We have regular online training webinars and discussion-based network zooms across the year for church leaders and singles' advocates - please click here for more details: https://www.singlefriendlychurch.com/events-training