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Buckden: St Mary

Buckden: St Mary

Address: Church Street Buckden Cambridge PE19 5TL

Telephone Number: 07792 128503

Deaconry: Huntingdon & Wisbech

Deanery: St. NEOTS

Services and Events: View events on A Church Near You

Welcome to St Mary's Buckden.   

This week 24th to 30th March at St Marys Buckden the church is open to visitors every day, so do come in and take a look around.

Services in St Mary’s this week are as follows:-

Morning Prayer at 9am & Evening Prayer at 5pm Monday to Thursday    

Wednesday 10am Holy Communion

Sunday 30 March Mothering Sunday 11am Holy Communion. Our sister church, All Saints Offord Cluny, has a Service of Morning Prayer at 9.30am.

Other events this week - please do join us, all welcome

Monday 7.30pm Bell-ringing practice

Wednesday 11am Coffee, biscuits & hygge after the service.
Wednesday 26th March 6.30pm Christ in Glory: Lent address, discussion, food & compline at All Saints Church, Offord Cluny

Friday 7pm Angel Voices rehearse. Informal choir, newcomers welcome.

Saturday 29th March 10am-4pm All Day Cafe in St Mary’s 

ELECTORAL ROLL - 2025 is the year when we have to start again and create a new electoral roll. Everyone needs to fill in a new form either online or pick up a paper form in church

Select "Service & Events" to see What's On at St Mary's in the coming weeks

Select "News & Noticesheets" to signup for our Newsletters

For details of all services across our benefice during the month, click here

About us.
We are a friendly village church with an active congregation. We run a variety of services and events throughout the year. Something for everyone, we hope. The church is open every day and visitors are always welcome. Our main Holy Communion services are on Sunday at 11am and Wednesday at 10.00am.  Morning and Evening Prayers are said at 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday.

All are welcome to join us for coffee & hygge at 11am every Wednesday, Saturday Social - there's something on, with refreshements, every saturday morning , and on the afternoon of the second Wednesday each month we host a Community Cafe with a befrienders/transport group Friends in Deed.

Our group activities include Junior Church and youth@thetowers for the children/youth; Angel Voices for the singers; bell-ringers; Getting Active for those who like to walk, Cleaning Crew.  Our Living Stones Room is available to hire for small groups events.

You can follow us on facebook:  St Mary's Buckden
Sunday's 11am service is usually streamed to our YouTube Channel: St Mary's Church Buckden

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