Team Rector for the Lordsbridge Team of Churches
The Lordsbridge Team is a well-established, thriving group of 11 diverse parishes to the west of Cambridge.
It is led by the Rector and 3 Team Vicars (2 stipendiary and 1 minister in secular employment) and is supported by a wide group of other ministers.
The core of the Team supports the parishes in their mission, valuing the contribution of village churches, and sharing skills and resources.
This is an exciting opportunity for someone who is committed to rural and semi-rural ministry.
We hope that our new Team Rector will:
- actively encourage a culture of prayer as they support and develop our mixed ecology ministry
- continue to develop our lay and ordained ministry team, and collaboration across the parishes
- lead and encourage us in creatively developing new ways of growing in faith, and extending our mission in the wider community
- build on existing collaboration across the parishes, working with us to address the challenges and celebrate the joys of multi-parish, intergenerational rural ministry
We can offer:
- prayerful and supportive communities
- outstanding administrative support
- a great place to live, good schools, and easy access to Cambridge
- the opportunity to build on and develop your leadership talents and experience
The Team Rector will also be the “Vicar” of at least two of the parishes.
Further Details and Applications
- Closing date for applications: Friday 14 February 2025
- Interview day: Wednesday 26 March 2025
- Team Rector Profile: Download here
- Application Form: Download here
- Equality Monitoring Form (to be returned with your Application Form) - Download here
- Please return your Application Form and Equality Monitoring Form to the Archdeacon of Cambridge, the Ven Dr Alex Hughes:
- The Diocese of Ely is committed to safer recruitment practices for people working or volunteering with children and adults and therefore this position is subject to an enhanced disclosure from the DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service).
Safer Recruitment in the Diocese of Ely
The Ely Diocesan Board of Finance (EDBF) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees to undertake safeguarding checks and training relevant to their role and to adhere to the Church of England’s safeguarding policies and procedures (click here for more).
A Diverse and Inclusive Workforce 
The Diocese of Ely is committed to creating and sustaining a diverse and inclusive workforce which represents our context and wider community. We are aware that those of Global Majority Heritage/United Kingdom Minority Ethnic (GMH/UKME), women, and disabled people are currently under-represented among our clergy and workforce, and we particularly encourage applications from those with the relevant skills and experience that will increase this representation.