Appointment of a new Diocesan Bishop

This section of the website sets out the process for the appointment of a new Bishop of Ely.

The appointment of a Diocesan Bishop is made by The Crown on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) of the Church of England nominates a candidate to the Prime Minister and the current convention is that this name is passed to the Sovereign for approval.

We praise and thank you, God of the journey, for all your gifts to us in the past.

We look to you as fellow traveller and faithful companion on the way ahead.

Strengthen us by your Holy Spirit

and guide us

as we seek to discern who you are calling to be our new Bishop,

that together we may serve you

as generous and visible people of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Quick Links

  1. An Overview of the Nomination Process
  2. The Vacancy in See Committee
  3. The Crown Nomination Commission - Ely representatives elected on 16/11/2023
  4. The Statement of Needs - published 30/11/2023

Key Dates 

Key dates in 2023

  • 6 July 2023: The following two items were discussed at an extraordinary meeting of Bishop’s Council.
  • 18 September 2023: Public consultation ends on Statement of Needs (click here)
  • 30 October 2023: Public Meeting (which was held over Zoom and Chaired by the Dean) at which individuals will be invited to ask questions, make statements and state their wishes for the new Bishop of Ely. 
  • 30 October 2023 (week commencing): There were (via Zoom) consultations with the Archbishop’s Appointments Secretary and the Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary during the week commencing 30 October 2023. 
  • 16 November 2023: Vote (via Civica) for the election of 6 representatives from the Diocese of Ely’s Vacancy in See Committee to the Crown Nominations Commission (click here).
  • 30 November 2023: The Statement of Needs was agreed and published - click here to view the document.

Key dates in 2024

  • 13 May 2024: Crown Nominations Committee Meeting 1 (shortlisting of New bishop) will take place 
  • 11 and 12 July 2024: Crown Nominations Committee Meeting 2 (interviews of possible New Bishop) will take place.
  • On the 15 July 2024 it was announced that the Crown Nominations Commission, which was considering the nomination of the next Bishop of Ely, was not able reach the level of consensus required to nominate a new Diocesan Bishop. You can read this announcement and what it means for timings here.

Announcement by Bishop Dagmar - October 2024

Following a recent meeting of the Crown Nominations Committee (CNC) for Ely, I am pleased to say that no further lengthy consultation process is deemed necessary which means that the timings are, as we had anticipated, in the autumn of next year:

  • CNC1 (shortlisting) on 2 October and
  • CNC2 (interviews) on 12 & 13 November 2025.

The Appointments Secretaries are planning to have some conversations with key people in the Diocese in the spring [2025] in order to ensure that the paperwork for candidates will be up-to-date.

We therefore hope and pray that we can look forward to a new Diocesan Bishop in the first half of 2026.



Overview of the Process for the Nomination of a Diocesan Bishop

This page summarises the main stages in the selection and appointment of a new Bishop, through the "Announcement of Vacancy" and "Arranging a meeting of the Vacancy in See Committee" to "Election of Diocesan Representatives to the Crown Nominations Commission", "Meetings of the Crown Nominations Commission" and "Submission of the name of the preferred candidate to the Prime Minister".

Vacancy in See Committee (ViSC)

This page provides further information on the Vacancy in See Committee, it's duties and membership. It outlines what the Vacancy in See Committee (VISC) is responsible for as well as the Formation of the Committee.

Crown Nominations Commission

The Vacancy in See Committee (ViSC) is responsible for electing six (6) representatives from its own membership to serve on the Crown Nominations Commission for their Diocese. The Crown Nominations Commission meets to: Develop the role profile and the person specification for the next bishop, Shortlist candidates for interview, Interview candidates.

Statement of Needs

The Vacancy in See Committee is responsible for preparing “The Diocesan Statement of Needs” which sets out a description of the Diocese, reflections on the challenges and opportunities for Gospel and Church in the communities served and the gifts and skills they might be seeking in a new bishop to lead them in their response to these.

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