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Below you are able to search for a person to help answer any questions you may have.
The list below contains a record of the staff of the Ely Diocesan Board of Finance (the "Diocesan Office"), the Bishops' and Archdeacons Offices, as well as other members of Senior Staff, Bishop's Advisors, Rural Deans and other key contacts.
You can filter the list by department using the 'Tags' dropdown, or use the search bar to search for a name/keyword.
If you are not sure who to contact, or can not find what you are looking for, the following numbers are some of the more commonly requested details.
- General Enquiries and Diocesan Office Reception
- Ely Diocesan Board of Finance ("Diocesan Office") Main Reception: 01353 652 700 or email at reception@elydiocese.org.
- Bishop Of Ely's Office: 01353 662 749 or by email at bishop@elydiocese.org
- Further contact information - click here
- Bishop of Huntingdon's Office: 01353 662 137 or by email at Bishop.huntingdon@elydiocese.org
- Further contact information - click here
- Archdeacon of Cambridge: 01353 652 715 or by email at archdeacon.cambridge@elydiocese.org
- Further contact information - click here
- Archdeacon of Huntingdon and Wisbech: 07415 757 527 or 01353 652719 or by email at archdeacon.handw@elydiocese.org
- Further contact information - click here
- Safeguarding Department: Safeguarding Duty Messaging Service: 01353 652 747
- For further contact details and information View the Safeguarding pages here.
Further Support
- To find key address details of Diocesan and Bishop's Offices, visit the main contact us page here.
- To contact one of the Parishes or a member of a parish team, visit the A Church Near You section on this website here, or online here.

Administration, General Enquiries and Diocesan Office Reception
Role Summary:
General Enquiries and Diocesan Office Reception
Email Address:

Archdeacons Office
Archdeacons Office
Role Summary:
PA to Archdeacon of Cambridge. (Monday - Thursday, 8.30am-1pm)
Email Address:

Archdeacons Office
Archdeacons Office
Role Summary:
Archdeacon of Huntingdon and Wisbech
Email Address:

Archdeacons Office
Archdeacons' Office
Role Summary:
Archdeacon of Cambridge
Email Address:
Archdeacons Office
Archdeacons' Office
Role Summary:
PA to the Archdeacon of Huntingdon and Wisbech. (Mon - Thurs, 9am - 2pm)
Email Address:

Bishops Offices

Bishops Offices
Bishop of Ely's Office
Role Summary:
Secretary to the Bishop of Ely
Email Address:

Bishops Offices
Bishop of Ely's Office
Role Summary:
Hospitality and Administration Secretary to the Bishop of Ely
Email Address:

Bishops Offices
Bishop of Huntingdon's Office
Role Summary:
PA to Bishop of Huntingdon
Email Address:

Bishops Offices
Bishop of Huntingdon's Office
Role Summary:
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
The Bishop's Advisor for Spirituality will keep prayer and the deepening of relationship with God central in the life and work of the Diocese.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
As Bishop's Advisor for Urban Estates, the Revd Ruth Clay will reflect upon the challenges of poverty and inequality encountered within the Diocese and inform discussion within Diocesan governance structures.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
Spiritual direction is the ministry of listening, reflecting and encouraging.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
As Bishop’s Advisor for Disability, Sue works with the Mission and Ministry team and others to support and advocate for all such measures and plans that enable and promote full inclusion and participation for disabled people within the Church.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
As Bishop’s Advisor for Rural Ministry, Rachel supports the Bishop and senior staff in discerning a strategic response to the needs of the churches in rural contexts across the Diocese and the communities they serve.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
As Bishop’s Advisor for Self-Supporting Ministry, the Revd Amanda supports the Bishop in ensuring the ongoing care and flourishing of those who are ordained and in active ministry, but who do not receive a stipend.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
As Bishop's Advisor for Inter-faith, the Revd Devin encourages and facilitates interfaith connections between our church communities and local non-Christian faith groups.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
The Bishop's Advisor for Healthcare Chaplaincy, the Revd Keith morrison, will work to raise awareness of the needs of those in the Health Care sector
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
As Bishop's Advisor for Healing, the Rev'd Alasdair Coles encourages our churches to be seen as places of healing and helps to facilitate this process.
Email Address:

Bishops Advisors
Bishop's Advisors
Role Summary:
As Bishop’s Advisor for the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Community, the Revd Sue Butler is a point of contact for and signpost to resources supporting mission and ministry with the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community.
Email Address: