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Energy Footprint Tool data

First published on: 12th September 2024

A total of 246 churches (74%) submitted their Energy Footprint Tool data in 2024, up from 117 (36%) in 2023.

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Events, News and Resources for Creationtide 2024

First published on: 6th September 2024

Creationtide or the Season of Creation is the period in the annual church calendar, from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life.

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Faith Will

First published on: 6th September 2024

Christian Aid is working alongside the Church of England, the Church of Scotland, the Quakers and the United Reformed Church to encourage people of faith to remember their own church, and Christian Aid, in their Will. More information, and access to a range of free resources can be found here.

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Preaching with a difference in September

First published on: 5th September 2024

Did you know that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month? It's also the month when, this year, on Sunday 22 September, the lectionary points us to Mark 9: 30-37 where Jesus takes a little child and sets them in the midst of his disciples with their petty, self-centered concerns…


Everyday Faith App

First published on: 4th September 2024

Everyday Faith is the new daily devotional app from the Church of England designed to inspire, equip and encourage you in your faith every day of the week, not just on Sundays.

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Church Heritage Diocesan Newsletter - September 2024

First published on: 30th August 2024

We're delighted to release the latest Church Heritage Diocesan Newsletter.

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Growing as a Disciple

First published on: 28th August 2024

A chance to join our Growing as a Disciple course, spending time together learning - by reading the Bible, sharing our faith stories and by praying.


From Lament to Action - Bishop's Study Day

First published on: 28th August 2024

We are delighted to be able to bring you more details of our upcoming Bishop's Study Day on Tuesday 8 October, for which booking is now open.


Action before crisis

First published on: 26th August 2024

The Children's Society campaign, Action before crisis, is seeking support in calling on the UK government to Act to overturn the decline in children’s mental health and wellbeing, Better protect teenagers from harm, and Commit to ending child poverty. This page explains how you can help.

The Childrens Society


First published on: 14th August 2024

Did you know that the leading supermarkets - Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Iceland, and Ocado – will all donate money to your church when members of your congregation shop with them?


Generosity Week 2024

First published on: 13th August 2024

Generosity Week 2024 runs from Sunday 29 September to Sunday 06 October, but the resources available can be used at any time of the year.

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Gold Eco Church Award for Ely Cathedral

First published on: 7th August 2024

Ely Cathedral has been awarded the prestigious gold Eco Church Award in recognition of their dedication and commitment to walk in step with nature and take action on climate change. Ely is only the third Cathedral in the UK to achieve this outstanding achievement which was given by the Christian conservation charity A Rocha UK and reflects the Cathedral’s commitment to place creation care at the heart of everything they do.


Mothers' Union Banner Exhibition

First published on: 1st August 2024

A unique exhibition of banners and memorabilia from MU branches across the Diocese of Ely celebrating the work of the Mothers’ Union.


Lammas Day celebrated in Melbourn

First published on: 1st August 2024

Lammas day, or 'loaf mass', is traditionally when people celebrate the first wheat harvest in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


New Postal and Registered Office Address

First published on: 26th July 2024

The Diocesan Offices (Ely Diocesan Board of Finance) has recently moved. Please ensure you use the new address when posting mail or coming to the office.

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An update on the next Bishop of Ely

First published on: 15th July 2024

Very sadly, at the conclusion of a lengthy process of discernment, culminating in two days of interviews on 11 and 12 July, the Crown Nominations Commission considering the nomination of the next Bishop of Ely has not been able reach the level of consensus required to nominate a new Diocesan Bishop.

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Choral Quartet Sonare

First published on: 10th July 2024

Professional choral quartet Sonare are inviting new parishes to work with them alongside those with whom they are already developing a great relationship to bring top-quality music into the heart of your community.

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Education Garden Party 2024

First published on: 10th July 2024

Our Education team put on a fabulous afternoon tea party in the Bishop's garden for Headteachers, Governors and EDRAs from our Diocese of Ely schools.

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Grafham Flower Festival and Bioblitz 2024

First published on: 9th July 2024

The annual Flower Festival in All Saints Church, Grafham and the Bioblitz in the churchyard were held over the weekend of 8-9 June.


Petertide Ordinations

First published on: 3rd July 2024

Photographs from our Petertide ordination services, which took place at Ely Cathedral on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024.

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